Our Partners:

Operation Coffee Roasters

Our good friend Sam created Operation Coffee to get the conversation started. Sam understood firsthand how veterans often struggled talking about things they were going through. He is committed to helping others and raising awareness about veteran suicide and mental health, donating to those in need. Sam’s story really resonated with Dan, as the ag community has experienced a significant increase in farmer suicide.

Rubee’s Bath Products & Local Honey

Ashley met Rhonda when they were farmers market neighbors many years ago! Rhonda makes bath products (we even feature them in the farmstay!), and provides local honey from her own bees.

Bo & Olly’s Produce & Ladies of Cluckingham Palace & HENsington Palace

If you visit the farm you can actually meet Bojangles and Oliver. When Ashley started growing produce for market she named her business after her two donkeys. They had the very important job of keeping critters and pests away (although they thought taste-testing carrots was THE most important duty). These days they enjoy their life of leisure with the rest of the “littles” (ponies)…but they will be sure to give you an ear full when they want a snack.

Our flock of laying hens provides the eggs for the farm store. Our more “mature” ladies have retired to HENsington Palace, although they do still provide a fair amount of eggs. Our younger generation spends their days in Cluckingham Palace, our pasture coop/run that provides fresh pastures and complete protection from all those predators we have around the farm (bald eagles, hawks, raccoons…you name it, if it likes chickens it is sure to be near)!

Hoesly's Meats & Torkelson Cheese

We also offer meat and cheese options with direct ties to our farm. Beef is raised right here, and processed locally by Hoesly’s meats (visit their shop in New Glarus for some other amazing products!). Milk from our dairy is processed into cheese by Torkelson Cheese, just over the Illinois border in Lena. They have actually been our factory of choice for decades and make really great cheese! Learn more at https://hoeslysmeats.com and https://torkelsoncheese.com .

Shandy’s Acres